NATE Barter


Certified Trade Broker Accreditation

Certified Trade Broker Program Application Accredited by the National Association of Trade Exchanges (NATE) and the International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA)

Obtaining the Certified Trade Broker (CTB) designation is a good way to help your excellence to be recognized in the Barter industry. Leaders of trade exchanges should be a CTB without exception. Owners, Sales Representatives, Sales Managers, and Trade Brokers are eligible and encouraged to work towards obtaining this professional accomplishment.

NATE offers a Registered Trade Broker (RTB) and Certified Trade Broker (CTB) for individuals who are seeking to advance their barter brokering skills and knowledge of the Barter Industry.

RTB Program

The Registered Trade Broker (RTB) program was created in September of 2010 to offer a base line or industry standard training program for individuals who are new to the Modern Trade and Barter Industry. After 2 years in the industry a RTB qualifies for and becomes a CTB.

CTB Program

Professionals who earn Certified Trade Broker (CTB) status have demonstrated a level of competence and knowledge through their years of industry experience and satisfactory performance on a certifying exam. Certified Trade Brokers are recognized as having a solid background in accounting, trade dollar economics, ethics, trading, and barter marketing techniques.

In addition to the enhanced credibility that CTB status confers on designees, certified trade brokers earn internationally-recognized credentials, the potential for career advancement, recognition at industry events, as well as the satisfaction of completing a comprehensive certification process.