Carolina Trade Success Story

Many companies join a barter exchange for the benefits of trade and for the increased marketing and exposure. We joined Carolina Trade for those very reasons and the fact that many other highly respected companies and business owners that we recognize were already members. We experienced first hand how hard Carolina Trade works for its members during our first year. We did not do any trade transactions during that period of time – however – John Kucera called me with a lead for a roofing job. This was a cash job that we would have never obtained if we were not Members of Carolina Trade Exchange. The job was in excess of $30,000.00 and we completed it fully. Since that time our trade transactions have grown and we have been Members for over four years. Our membership in Carolina Trade Exchange has returned dividends in new business relationships and savings. We take our partnership very seriously and appreciate all that the exchange does for us and how the other Members interact. It’s a very vital part of our business plan.

James Drummond